International Autistics Speaking Day

November 1st 2021

It is time to listen to Autistics

Autism has had many ‘awareness’ days invented to try to draw attention to the needs of Autistic people. Some of these ‘awareness’ days and campaigns have had a negative impact on our community because they focus on everyone’s thoughts and opinions about autism – except for the people who are the genuine experts – Actual Autistics. International Autistics Speaking Day was created by Autistic people in 2010, so we can talk about our lives, our interests, our needs. It is a day dedicated to self-advocacy. We would love to hear from our community over the next 24 hours via all social media channels. We will be sharing poems, art, blog posts and writing by autistic people. Join in and be heard.

Purple Background. Small text Nothing about us, without us’.  Larger text 'International Autistics Speaking Day 2021'.  Autistic Self Advocacy Network of Australia and New Zealand water colour logo in left bottom corner of picture.  Image of black mobile phone with graphics for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rainbow infinity symbol on the right side of the picture.